Friday 1 November 2013

Solo Traveling???? Lets do it!!!!

Before you begin reading, I just wanna say that this post is bilingual (English and Indonesia)


In this very beautiful afternoon (ok, I was exaggerating), I'm gonna share tips on how to prepare SOLO TRAVELING!! 

I dedicate this post for my fellow single fighter a.k.a chronic-single who are in the end of their effort to get their soulmate because they did not seek for that, they did seek for the promo ticket...upps sorry just kidding. Here are some tips for you who want to do solo traveling:

1. You have to prepare your mental because if your mental is ill you actually could not do it and have to take treatment at psychiatric. 

2. Preparing your Itinerary, this is needed if your visit a place for the first time, if you have visited a place like your home you literally don't need to it.

3. Your health, you have to check up your health to doctor before you go traveling, it is very important man like if you don't do it you must be crazy, you know this world is very cruel if it not true you can get your soulmate easily.

4. You have to prepare your clothes, drugs, foods, tickets, and so on, make sure that you bring all those stuff because it would very useless if you only prepare it. 

5. and the last but not least is you have to bring your own money, not your mother because this is your trip. I don't recommend you to buy a lot of stuffs like souvenirs, gift, clothes, refrigerator, car, microwave, so on because it makes you hard to live, and the very important thing is you don't have anyone to buy because you are a single, remember who you are, just be realise man...I am not warning you this is just an advice...

Finally, above are some tips for you to do solo traveling, so what are you waiting??? just go traveling and explore the world, explore yourself at the end you will find who you are and may be get your soulmate...

Bahasa Indonesia

Oke gue akan menerangkan bagaimana persiapan melalukan solo traveling alias traveling sendirian terutama gue dedikasikan untuk para jomblo backpacker yang udah akut, menahun dan hampir sekarat ga dapet2 cewek karena ya yang di cari bukan cewek tapi tiket pesawat promo....XD

Pertama, lo harus siapin mental lo, dengan cara membelinya di toko terserah mau yg model kalong atau yang baju ehhhh itu mantel :D hahhah ga lucu??? EMANG!!! Gue aja ga ketawa pas nulis. Siapkan mental jika diperjalanan dapet susah atau dimarahin orang atau apalah, terutama buat anak mami traveler........siap2 hidup susah yahhhhh sebenernya Cuma itu iru intinya hehehhe.....

Kedua, siapkan itinerary kalo bahasa backpackermah atau runtuyan jadwal perjalanan sejelas mungkin, apalagi kalo pertama kali berkunjung ke suatu tempat perlu banget yang namanya itinerary......

Ketiga, persiapkan badan lo, ini penting banget lo jangan kek anak ayam yg cuma keuajanan bisa mati, make sure kalo lo ga sakit, karena itu akan bikin berabe diri sendiri, mending kalo lo ganteng mungkin bakal ada yg nolong kalau enggak?????? Lo cuma bikin hidup lo semakin merana sob hahha

Keempat, persiapkan semua keperluan mulai tiket, pakaian, makanan, obat2an, pokoknya selengkap mungkin tp inget harus efisien juga, supaya ga memakan tempat. Jangan sampe lo bawa kulkas, tv, kompor gas iya sih itu butuh tp ga gitu juga kalii.........dan jangan pernah lo pikir naik pesawat itu beli tiketnya kek bis damri yang bakal ditagih di dalem kabinnnn.........

Kelima, yang paling penting BANGET adalahhhhhhh bawa duit sebanyak mungkin yang lo punya......kalau gapunya duit????? Udah jomblo, gak punya duit pula heuuu.... Ini penting banget tp inget jangan kalap belanja saat traveling apalagi diawal krn kita akan berat bawa2 barang belanjaan, INGAT!!!! lo itu jomblo travelingnya sendirian ga ada yang bantuin buat angkat-angkat barang, lagian beli oleh-oleh buat siapa coba? Kan lo JOMBLO SOB jadi inget yah.....

NB : kalo ke luar negeri bawa Paspor yah untuk negara bebas Visa, kalo yang pake Visa ya urus Visa dulu ke kedubes atau Visa On Arrival (VOA) Visa yang dibuat setelah kita sampai di negara tujuan, buat yang gatau cara bikin Paspor ada kok artikel gue yang bahas cara bikin Paspor..........Wassalamuaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh acara mamah dedeh kali ah


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